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Vega One All-In-One Meal Bar Chocolate Coconut Cashew 2.26 oz

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Vega One All-In-One Meal Bar Chocolate Coconut Cashew 2.26 oz

Vega - Vega One All-In-One Meal Bar Chocolate Coconut Cashew - 2.26 oz. (64g)

Vega One All-In-One Meal Bar Chocolate Coconut Cashew is a delicious nutrition boost. If you’re wilting at your desk by 10 AM, don’t kick yourself for missing breakfast. Instead of another cup of coffee, indulge in a Vega One All-in-One Meal Bar and relax knowing you’ve covered your nutritional bases with satisfying layers of chocolate-dipped goodness. Made from plant-based, whole food, non-GMO ingredients, Vega One All-in-One Meal Bar is a convenient meal bar packed with:

  • 12 g complete plant-based protein
  • 3 g fiber
  • 1 g Omega-3
  • 1 serving of greens
  • 1 billion dairy-free probiotics
  • 25 added vitamins and minerals
  • Antioxidants

Formulated by Brendan Brazier, professional Ironman triathlete and bestselling author on plant-based nutrition, Vega One All-in-One Meal Bar is gluten-free and contains no artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners.

Features and Benefits
Cover your nutritional bases with the satisfying layers of chocolate-dipped Vega One Meal Bar. Reach for this convenient meal bar for:

Vega One Meal Bar contains 12 grams of complete plant-based protein sourced from sprouted whole grain brown rice protein and pea protein.


Each bar is a good source of fiber—4 grams per bar of both insoluble and soluble fiber.

Chia seeds, hemp seeds and sustainably sourced SaviSeed (sacha inchi) oil delivers 1 gram of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids.

Additional Supplements
To redefine your average nutritional bar, Vega also added a full serving of greens, plus vitamins and minerals, an antioxidant blend, and 1 billion dairy-free probiotics culture.

Vega One All-in-One Meal Bars are gluten-free.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What’s new with Vega One All-in-One Meal Bar?
Vega has taken the bar you love and given it a makeover with a fresh new recipe. You can expect improved flavor, mouth feel and texture. New Vega One Meal Bar is both crispy and fudgy at the same time—and enrobed in dark chocolate as always. Vega's new recipe represents their commitment to ongoing, continuous improvement in everything they do, starting with the quality ingredients they've chosen for Vega One Meal Bar.

Is Vega One Meal Bar organic?
To certify all ingredients can be cost prohibitive to some of the smaller farms Vega works with, however Vega chooses ingredients that are organic, non-GMO and pesticide-free where they can. As you’ll see when you check the ingredients list of Vega One Meal Bar, they're using more organic ingredients than ever before.

Is the Non-GMO claim new?
Vega is excited to announce that Vega One Meal Bar uses non-GMO ingredients. Vega is currently in the process of having this new formulation Non-GMO Project Verified. Their goal is the have all Vega Bars verified by the Non-GMO Project.

How many Vega One Meal Bars can I eat in a day?
Because Vega One Meal Bar is fortified with nutritional supplements (probiotics, antioxidants, and greens blend) as well as added vitamins and minerals, talk to your health care practitioner if you plan on consuming more than two bars a day.

Can I still use the Vega One Nutritional Shake if I’m consuming Vega One Meal Bar too?
Both Vega One Meal Bar and Vega One Nutritional Shake contain a blend of added vitamins and minerals. Consult your doctor or health care practitioner to determine a diet and supplement routine that best support your individual health circumstances and lifestyle.

Do I have to be vegetarian or vegan to take Vega One Meal Bar?
While all ingredients in Vega One—and all Vega products—are completely plant-based, you don’t have to be vegetarian or vegan to enjoy the benefits of Vega One in either the Nutritional Shake or Meal Bar format. Both are ideal supplements for convenience-seeking omnivores wanting to increase the percentage of plant-based nutrients in their diet, too. Most adults can benefit from taking Vega One or Vega One Meal Bar, from busy students, to active professionals, to on-the-go moms, to seniors. Basically anyone looking to add more plant-based nutrients to their diet in an all-in-one format will enjoy the convenience of Vega One Meal Bar or Nutritional Shake.

I noticed Vega One Meal Bar contains whole food sweetener sources such as tapioca, brown rice and agave. Why did Vega choose these sweeteners?
During product reformulation, the goal was to choose sweeteners that were organic, gluten-free, vegan, minimally-refined, and with a low-glycemic index. Vega One Meal Bars contain:

  • Dates (as a whole food source of sweetness and carbohydrate energy).
  • Organic tapioca syrup (a minimally- refined, grain-free sweetener made from the cassava root).
  • Organic whole grain brown rice syrup (minimally-refined).
  • Organic raw agave (minimally-refined, low-glycemic sweetener that contains trace minerals unlike refined white sugar or refined agave).
  • Organic evaporated cane sugar (referring to the crystallized remains of sap extracted from sugar cane, evaporated cane sugar retains the nutrients naturally found in cane sugar, and is less refined than white sugar).

You may be curious about how low-glycemic sweeteners affect your blood sugar and energy. The Glycemic Index measures the rate of absorption of sugar into the body. The lower the glycemic index, the more sustained energy a food provides. Look for low-glycemic foods to fuel your energy consistently—without huge slumps.

You are what you eat. And what you don’t.
Told from the onset that a plant-based diet wouldn’t cut it on the professional Ironman circuit, Brendan Brazier’s nutritional journey as an uninformed plant-powered endurance athlete began with reduced energy levels and the need to eat constantly.

But Brendan’s stubborn curiosity persevered and after years of research and experimentation, he discovered what sets a top athlete’s performance apart from the competition isn’t training or natural ability alone. A big difference is nutrition. After intense study, Brendan created a plant-based, whole food diet that helped him recover faster and train harder – propelling him to become a top professional Ironman triathlete.

Constantly on the road competing, Brendan was challenged by both a lack of time and kitchen space to prepare the carefully composed, nutrient-dense, clean, plant-based meals that gave him his edge. Deep down, he knew there had to be an easier way to get nutrition on-the-go.

And he was right. Over time, Brendan’s vision led to the formulation of the original all-in-one nutritional shake – now known as Vega One – which ultimately inspired the creation of the complete award-winning Vega line of nutritional supplements.

Vega's Sustainability Goal
Vega seeka to provide ecologically and socially friendly, premium natural health solutions with minimal impact on the ecosystem and without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

What Sustainability Means to Vega
At Vega, they want to change the world. And changing the world starts with Vega.

Vega's passion for plant-based nutrition is as much about empowering health as it is about supporting the health of the planet. But sustainability isn’t just about what goes into Vega's products—sustainability must be part of everything Vega does.

Vega wants to be a company that leaves a net zero carbon footprint. There are no silver bullets—in life, or on Vega's Journey to Zero—but every choice Vega makes matters. Vega lives their commitment to constant improvement by pursuing perfection, one small change at a time.

Vega's ingredients, their packaging, their office, their suppliers—each of these represents an opportunity to innovate, improve, and bring Vega closer to their goal.

Come join Vega on their Journey to Zero.

Journey To Zero
It’s one thing to say you want to be a company that leaves a net-zero carbon footprint. It’s quite another to take real actions toward that goal. Journey to Zero is Vega’s name for their process of taking actions and being accountable to this goal.

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. And because Vega means business when it comes to the planet, they treat their carbon footprint as a real indicator of their performance.

Every small change Vega makes is a step on their Journey to Zero—and Vega takes each of them so seriously that they’ve woven this process of making steps on this journey through the fabric of everything they do:

In 2009, Vega conducted a complete corporate environmental sustainability audit to assess their carbon footprint. Vega is actively using the results of this audit—Vega’s Sustainability Action Plan—to guide their choices on their Journey to Zero.

Since their initial audit, Vega has made several carbon-reducing changes as part of their Sustainability Action Plan, including transitioning Vega’s headquarters to 100% wind-power (via Bullfrog Power), and making strategic operations and logistics improvements.

After making many changes based on their Sustainability Action Plan, Vega recently reassessed several areas highlighted in their initial audit, comparing their 2012 numbers to their 2009 numbers. The result of their changes? An impressive 46.4% reduction in their carbon footprint.

While Vega has taken many successful steps on their Journey to Zero, their audit revealed opportunities for other changes they can make to further reduce their carbon footprint. For example, Vega's 2012 numbers showed that packaging materials account for 71% of their carbon footprint—this significant statistic inspired Vega's move to transitioning to 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles, beginning in late 2013.


Part of their mission at Vega is to live their commitment to constant improvement by pursuing perfection, one small change at a time. That means Vega will be taking actions, measuring their impact, and planning their next steps on their Journey to Zero for as long as they're here to make those steps.

Vega's passion for clean, plant-based nutrition that’s good for your body and fuels your healthy, active life isn’t the only reason Vega products are exclusively plant-based—it’s also a reflection of their commitment to the planet.

What you eat can make a bigger impact on the planet than any other choice you make.
Reducing your personal carbon footprint involves a whole lot more than just how big a car you drive on your morning commute. In fact, what you eat can make a bigger impact on the planet than any other choice you make. Whole, plant-based foods provide far greater nutrition relative to their real production cost from seed-to-plate when compared to processed, non-plant-based options. Or, in the words of Vega's formulator, Brendan Brazier, they have a significantly lower nutrient-to-resource and nutrient-to-emissions ratio.

Your carbon footprint shrinks with every plant-based meal you choose.
Reducing your impact on the planet is simple—just start with one (plant-based meal a day, that is). Whether you’re dipping your toe into the Meatless Monday routine, or you’re a card-carrying raw vegan localvore, every plant-based meal you choose makes a dent. Starting your day with a blended fruit smoothie made with a serving of Vega One—instead of traditional breakfasts—represents a significant reduction in your carbon footprint. It’s also a whole lot better for your body, too. What’s not to like about that?


Vega ingredients: how and where are they farmed—and who grows them?
Choosing to make Vega products from plant-based ingredients is a planet-positive step in itself. Sure, Vega could stop there, but living their commitment to constant improvement is woven right into Vega’s mission—and Vega sees every ingredient choice as another opportunity to do better on their Journey to Zero. Vega considered many factors in choosing their ingredients, balancing not just how they’re grown, but where they’re farmed, and who grows them.

Where Vega's ingredients come from matters.
The less distance their ingredients travel before they turn them into Vega products, the lower their contribution to their total carbon footprint. Vega uses pea protein, hemp protein, and flaxseed grown in Canada’s prairie provinces by farmers they’ve known and worked with for years—in fact, their President has even toured some of the farms these ingredients are grown on. Vega values their relationships with their growers (and it doesn’t hurt that choosing local ingredients supports the economy at the same time).

Better for the planet, Vega will choose organic ingredients for Vega products whenever they can. It’s getting easier every year to find reliable sources of organic ingredients as demand for them grows, but the cost of certification remains prohibitive for smaller-scale farmers. Because of this, some of Vega's ingredients are organically grown, but not certified organic—Vega thinks the right choice can include supporting the little guys.

Vega thinks everyone should have the right to know what they’re eating. Vega is committed to making their products from non-GMO ingredients. At the moment, there is no universally-recognized certification standard for non-GMO status in North America, as there is for organics. Until there is, Vega is working with the Non-GMO Project—a third-party non-profit organization— for verification of their non-GMO products.

Several Vega products, including Vega Maca, SaviSeed, and Antioxidant Omega Oil Blend, have already been Non-GMO Project verified. Vega's more complex products—including Vega One and Vega Sport products—are in the latter stages of becoming verified, and Vega is an active part of a Non-GMO Project working group helping to apply the current food-focused verification standard to dietary supplements.

Sustainable Relationships
Vega wants their ingredient choices to contribute to the well-being of their customers—and their suppliers. Some of the ingredients Vega uses, like maca and SaviSeeds, can’t be grown locally, or even in North America. But Vega takes their relationships with their global partners just as seriously.

Grown in Peru on land previously clear-cut from the Amazon rainforest, SaviSeeds aren’t only the richest plant-based source of Omega-3s—they’re also a crop that embodies Vega’s definition of sustainability. Farmed by small-scale growers, SaviSeeds provide Peruvian families with an economically viable income crop, while rehabilitating land scarred by deforestation with a thriving native species.

Vega’s ongoing relationship with the co-operative of SaviSeed growers has helped develop a socially, economically, and environmentally responsible industry Vega hopes will make a positive difference for the future of their partners, and the planet.

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Vega - Vega One All-In-One Meal Bar Chocolate Coconut Cashew - 2.26 oz. (64g)
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