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Source Naturals

Source Naturals Arcticpure Pro EFA Lemon 325 Mg 30 Capsules

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Source Naturals Arcticpure Pro EFA Lemon 325 Mg 30 Capsules

Source Naturals Arcticpure Pro EFA Lemon 325 Mg 30 Capsules uses fish caught in the cleanest and coldeds body of water, the Arctic Ocean. A series of advanced distillation processes concentrates and extracts beneficial fatty acids, while guaranteeing the absence of heavy metals and PCBs. Natural flavors give Source Naturals ArticPure EFA Essential Fatty Acids oils a taste that is pleasing to both children and adults. Source Naturals ArticPure EFA Essential Fatty Acids combines omega-3 (fish oil) and omega-6 (borage oil) fatty acids. These fatty acids (EPA, DHA, and GLA) are important for proper cell signaling and membrane integrity. Source Naturals ArcticPure EFA Essential Fatty Acids is enhanced with advanced lipid-stabilizing antioxidants for extended freshness.

Source Natural's ArcticPure EFA Unique Processing and Encapsulation
Omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, omega18—if you’re like many Americans, you’ve heard these mentioned again and again and still don’t understand
why they’re important. Simply stated, the essential “omega” fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 are needed for regulating blood pressure and brain function. The fatty acids are critically essential in the following key areas:

  • Supports brain cell function and
  • Provides cardiovascular support
  • Supports eye and retina health
  • Promotes healthy mental function
  • Supports the immune system
  • Reduces metabolic inflammation
  • Supports joint health

Omega-3 and omega-6 are called “essential” fatty acids because they are not produced naturally by the body; you must obtain them from food sources. Most Americans get more omega-6 than they can handle, because omega6 is from corn oil, sunflower oil, and safflower oil—more than abundant in typical American diets. However, we have severe deficiencies of omega-3, which is from fatty fish and to a limited extent, flax seed oil. Most medical experts consider an optimal omega6/omega-3 ratio to be 2:1 or even 1:1. Americans commonly range from the 10:1 to the 50:1 ratio.

This unbalanced ratio has important consequences. Omega-6s and omega3s compete for the same metabolic enzymes, enzymes that break down fats. If there is too much omega-6 in the diet, too many omega-6 byproducts are produced, including compounds called eicosanoids that are involved in inflammatory response: prostaglandin E-2, thromboxane A-2, and leukotriene B4. Eicosanoids participate in the healthy immune defense systems of the body, but an overabundance of these compounds can overstimulate inflammatory responses. Omega-3, however, produces compounds that minimize inflammatory response. These are the long-chain compounds that have been found to have such positive effect in cardio, brain, and immune function health. A balance of omega 3 and 6 is needed; sufficient quantities of omega-3 keep the omega-6 acids in their proper, healthy ratio.

Welcome to The Source Naturals Wellness Revolution
The most important aspect of the Wellness Revolution is becoming an active participant in your own health and vigor. By educating yourself on the powerful nutritional value of fish oils, you have taken the first step in being the champion of your own health. The evidence and scientific research continue to mount in worldwide clinical exams and tests: the addition of omega-3 fish oil is one of the most important benefits to your health available today. It profoundly and effectively addresses the most critical health challenges facing us in the 21st century. Of the 12 SystemiCare systems, omega-3 fish oil addresses eight: Cells/ DNA; Inflammation Response; Sugar Regulation; Liver/Detox; Circulation; Cognition/Nerves; Immunity; and Hormones/Metabolism. Adding omega3 fish oils to your diet is a great first step to joining the Wellness Revolution and achieving healthy aging.

Leaders of the Wellness Revolution
Source Naturals was created in 1982 by C.E.O Ira Goldberg to support each individual’s potential to enjoy optimal health. At that time, the kind of nutritional formulations he envisioned – for the maintenance of well-being and the enhancement of life – simply didn’t exist. The idea of combining many nutrients, herbs and nutraceuticals in one formulation, though common today, was then a rarity. Source Naturals pioneered the concept with Wellness Formula, now the industry’s #1 immune support product. Source Naturals subsequently introduced numerous award-winning formulas, recognized for their excellence in independent surveys and nutritional analyses. In addition to Wellness, these award-winners include Life Force Multiple, Mega-Kid Multiple, Inflama-Rest, the Skin Eternal line, Higher Mind, Essential Enzymes, Male Response, and more.

Source Naturals’ comprehensive Bio-Aligned Formulas help bring the power of alignment to your body. When formulating, Source Naturals evaluates the underlying causes of system imbalances, and then provides targeted nutrition to interdependent body systems. Source Naturals' line of more than 600 products also includes well-researched, single entity nutrients in their highest quality and most bioavailable forms. Source Naturals nutritional supplements are at the leading edge of today’s Wellness Revolution. This transformation in health consciousness also includes new perspectives in diet, lifestyle, emotional and spiritual development, and complementary health care. Source Naturals Strategy for Wellness is to provide education that empowers individuals to take responsibility for their health, rather than relying solely on outside medical authority. The result is people who are more productive and fulfilled, and a world that is stronger and healthier.

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Essential Fatty Acids,Multivitamins
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