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ReNew Life Heavy Metal Cleanse 120 Capsules

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ReNew Life - Heavy Metal Cleanse
Natural, Deep-targeted Heavy Metal Detox & Body Cleansing Program

  • 2-part organ detoxification formula
  • Herbs, vitamins & amino acids to support healthy mineral balance
  • Aids the body's natural detoxification & cleansing processes
  • Supports a healthy intestinal lining
  • Replenishes beneficial nutrients
  • Promotes capture and healthy elimination of heavy metals from the body (i.e., chelation)

Heavy Metal Cleanse™ is an easy-to-use, two-part detoxification program that combines natural chelating agents and antioxidants to assist the body with the removal of heavy metals. The binding nature of the chelation process results in the possibility that some vitamins and minerals may be removed from the body as well, so this formula helps to replace those important lost nutrients. Heavy Metal Cleanse can help you feel more healthy, energetic and rejuvenated.

Heavy Metal Cleanse 1
Morning Formula contains vitamins and minerals that are used to support overall health and assist with the body's natural detoxification functions. The binding nature of chelation process supported in Part 2 of this program results in the possibility that some vitamins and minerals may be removed from the body as well as heavy metals. Part 1 helps to replace those important nutrients.

Heavy Metal Cleanse 2
Evening Formula contains natural herbs and amino acids that have been used traditionally to support organ cleansing and natural chelation (the binding of a substance with a heavy metal to assist with its removal from the body).

Frequently Asked Questions

What are heavy metals?
Heavy metals is a term generally given to metals that are considered to be toxic because they interfere with the normal functioning of the human body. Heavy, or toxic, metals are usually more than five times as heavy as water. Some examples of heavy metals that can be toxic in the body are cadmium, lead, nickel, aluminum (not 5 times as heavy as water, but very toxic) and mercury. Today our food and water are commonly contaminated by heavy metals. Heavy metals like aluminum, lead and mercury have no biological benefit and are in no way needed by the body.

What is Heavy Metal Cleanse?
Heavy Metal Cleanse is an easy-to-use, two-part cleanse program that contains minerals, vitamins, herbs and amino acids which have long been used to promote circulatory and dental health. Part I is a mineral support formula, containing vitamins and minerals that support healthy nutritional balance. Part II is an organ cleansing formula, containing herbs and minerals that support healthy elimination. This thirty-day program can help you feel more healthy, energetic and rejuvenated.

How do I take fiber with any part of the cleanse?
It is best to separate fiber from your cleanse or other supplements by 30 to 60 minutes. Fiber may be taken with food or on an empty stomach, at any time of the day.

How do I take other supplements with cleanses?
Other natural supplements should be separated from any part of a cleanse by at least one hour.

Can I take my probiotic supplement with the cleanse?
Yes, you may take your probiotic with the cleanse. An enteric-coated probiotic may be taken at any time, as the delivery system will carry the probiotic safely and directly to the intestines.

Can I increase the dosage of any of the cleanses?
ReNew Life does not suggest increasing the dosage beyond the recommended amount for any of the cleanses, with the exception of CleanseSMART Part 2, which may be increased if necessary for better elimination.

Can cleanses be used for children?
No. The only cleanse that is available for children is ParaGONE for KIDS. Children 16 years or older and over 100 pounds may take any of the cleanses at half the recommended dose.

Can I open capsules if I can’t swallow them?
Yes. You may empty the contents of the capsules for most of the cleanses into soft foods such as applesauce or plain yogurt. However, ReNew Life does not suggest doing so for the ParaGONE or CandiGONE cleanses, as some of the ingredients contained in the capsules may irritate the esophagus.

Can I take my medications with the cleanses?
Some herbs should not be taken in conjunction with medications. It is best to ask your doctor or pharmacist for a list of herbs that should be avoided with the medication(s) you are taking.

If I have a medical condition can I still use the cleanses?
Anyone with a medical condition should consult his or her doctor before using a cleansing product.

Can I take all of the H.O.P.E. formula supplements with the cleanses?
H.O.P.E. is a great accompaniment to all of the cleanses, as high fiber, oils, probiotics and enzymes help to provide digestive support while cleansing. Of course, one would experience the most benefit by taking products in all four of the categories, but taking any of the four would be beneficial to the digestive tract for ongoing daily support.

Is it necessary to use CleanseSMART if I’ve completed First Cleanse?
It is up to you. Although ReNew Life recommends a progressive cleansing program, beginning with a first-time cleanse and advancing as needed to a stronger or more targeted formula, you should do what feels right for your body. Beginning with First Cleanse is recommended for inexperienced cleansers. Then, once the channels of elimination have been opened up and one’s body becomes accustomed to cleansing, he or she may want something deeper. That is where CleanseSMART would be beneficial. If one has a problem with constipation, an herbal laxative formula such as CleanseMORE may be added to help relieve occasional bouts of constipation.

Will any ReNew Life cleanses make me “run” to the bathroom?
Everyone has different bowel habits. Some people eliminate 2 to 3 times per day, while others eliminate less frequently. The cleanses are not designed to make you run constantly to and from the restroom, but adjustments may be made to the evening colon cleansing formula in order to establish a regular, healthy elimination schedule.

Is fish oil safe?
Yes. Fish oil supplies Omega-3s, which are the "good" fats that support health and vitality, and that our bodies cannot make.

Is there a waiting period between when I can take the cleanses in the recommended cleanse sequence?
No, you may take the cleanses back to back. Certain cleanses have suggested cycles to follow, but the recommended sequence of cleanses can be taken with no breaks in between.

What are the diet recommendations for First Cleanse?
One is not required to radically change his or her diet while taking the majority of the cleanses (the exception being the microbial cleanses). Eating as healthfully as possible is very supportive to the body’s natural detoxification process. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables, choosing organic foods whenever possible, avoiding chemical additives and preservatives, drinking plenty of water (half your body weight in ounces daily), and limiting caffeine intake and avoiding alcohol are all recommended.

How often can I take CleanseSMART?
CleanseSMART may be taken up to four times per year maximum. Generally, cleansing is done on an annual or semi-annual basis.

Do I have to complete all of the cleanses before I take CandiGONE?
No, but ReNew Life recommends that you complete a total-body cleanse such as First Cleanse CleanseSMART initially to open up the 7 channels of elimination and allow the body to become accustomed to the cleansing process. There is no required waiting period in between these two cleanses.

How will I know the cleanse is working?
Everyone will respond differently to cleansing. Typical cleansing responses may include one or more of the following: slight headache, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, minor flu-like symptoms and sometimes minor skin eruptions. These responses usually last about 2 to 3 days, depending upon how the body responds. Every person responds differently to cleansing. Results may vary, but many people experience a general sense of well being and increased energy.

If I do not take FiberSMART and OilSMART with the cleanse, will it still be effective?
Yes. However, the fiber and oils will help you obtain the maximum benefits of the cleanse. Be sure to include a lot of high-fiber foods in the diet (25-35 grams a day) if you are not taking a fiber supplement, as fiber helps absorb and eliminate toxins and waste from the intestines. If too little fiber is consumed, bowel movements may not be regular and toxins that are not eliminated may be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream and the body.

Can I take more than one cleanse at a time?
Generally, ReNew Life recommends taking only one cleanse at a time, but there are some exceptions. You may combine Liver Detox only with any of the other cleanses, except for Total Kidney Cleanse, as long as you have previous experience using these cleanses separately and know how your body responds to each cleanse. They suggest starting out with a half dose of both for the first three days and on the fourth day, increasing one cleanse to full dose followed by the other after another three days.

How long can I use a cleanse?
Generally, the cleanses can be used for a maximum of 3 months straight without a break, unless there are special breaks specific to certain cleanses. These include Total Kidney Cleanse, which is taken 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off and then 2 weeks on again, and ParaGONE, which is taken for 15 days, with a 5-day break, then 15 days back on again. This pattern should be followed if these cleanses are repeated.

What if I forget a dose?
Do not attempt to double up on a dose, but continue taking the cleanse as suggested the following day. You may end up with an extra dose at the end of the cleanse, and that is fine.

About ReNew Life

ReNew Life was established in 1997 by Brenda Watson and her husband Stan. Brenda has become one of the nation's leading authorities on natural digestive health, detoxification and internal cleansing. She is the author of 5 books on this topic and she has helped millions of people live longer, healthier lives through improved digestion, as part of her many public, TV and radio appearances and articles and seminars. ReNew Life produces the leading digestive health products available in health food stores and we take great pride in producing the best-quality products. We believe that through proper digestion and sensible dietary choices we can obtain the nutrition we all require to maintain optimal mental and physical health.

The ReNew Life Mission
The ReNew Life mission is to empower each and every one of their valued customers with the knowledge to improve overall health through optimum digestive function and superior nutrition. They accomplish this goal by providing safe and effective natural solutions to digestive care issues through their innovative product line and continued commitment to education.

Optimum health begins with a properly functioning digestive system, which is why every ReNew Life product is specifically formulated to provide the highest level of digestive support. The ReNew Life product line consists of formulations that address a broad range of digestive concerns as well as help to cleanse and support the digestive system. Because it is our sole focus, we are able to concentrate entirely on providing the finest digestive care products available. This exclusive focus sets us apart from other companies within the industry

Improving Lives Through Education
ReNew Life is committed to providing the tools necessary to improve the health of people everywhere. Each day brings new breakthroughs in the field of natural digestive care and functional nutrition, and their consumer helpdesk, staffed by experts, is readily accessible to answer questions and give digestive care advice about any of their products.

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