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Metabolic Nutrition T.A.G (Trans Alanyl Glutamine) Unflavored 800 Grams

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Metabolic Nutrition T.A.G (Trans Alanyl Glutamine) Unflavored 800 Grams

  • TAG is ideal for any consumer who demands superior quality, uncompromising results, and is looking to improve overall health, increase muscle repair, and maximize physical enhancement...guaranteed! Dedicated to manufacturing high quality nutritional supplements backed by scientific research and formulated by a medical doctor, Metabolic Nutrition was the first to introduce Trans-Alanyl-Glutamine Di-peptide to the marketplace. Acclaimed by physicians, athletes and consumers alike, T.A.G. has the distinction of being the only "Muscle Targeted Glutamine" supplement in the market today. Due to its unique "di-peptide" designed chemical structure, T.A.G. is strong enough to be mixed in water or other beverages without any degradation which affects other glutamine products.

    • Superior to Free Form L-Glutamine
    • Dramatically Increases Muscle Repair
    • Inhibits Muscle Fatigue and Soreness
    • Prevents Muscle Loss During Exercise
    • Improves Immune System and Overall Health

    Unlike Free-form L-Glutamine (which is mostly utilized in the intestines leaving as little as 10% for muscle tissue)...T.A.G. is far superior as it is 100% assimilated into the bloodstream, directly transported and infused deep into muscle tissue. Engineered for muscle repair, T.A.G. prevents the loss of muscle glutamine during exercise, preventing "protein catabolism" (i.e. muscle loss)...therefore aiding in the maintenance and building of muscle intra and post workout. In addition to increasing recovery during and following exercise, T.A.G. also provides a complete recovery solution supporting the body's immune system, preventing muscle catabolism, increasing protein synthesis and growth hormone release; making it a critical supplement in any athlete's workout.

    Achieve your ideal body by...

    • Add extra muscle Fast and Easy without changing your training or diet!
    • Explode through training plateaus - Increase your strength in 1 hour!
    • Leave the gym - with muscles that stay pumped all day!
    • See results in your physique the very first week!!!

    Everyone takes Glutamine to build muscle...
    But, what they don't know is that the majority of the glutamine they are taking will not even make it into their muscle tissue. "What!" you say..., "I thought Glutamine was for helping recover muscle tissue, repair of muscle fiber, improve the immune system, and stabilize blood sugar levels, and improve anabolic hormone response!?!?" Well yes and no...actually, it has been scientifically proven in and outside the lab, that 90% of "regular" L-Glutamine is solely used by your body's intestines to improve intestinal health, and benefit the immune system - NOT TO BUILD MUSCLE! That only leaves about the 10% that does make it into the blood stream and can be used to repair and build muscle fiber...but, that is if it actually get's there. You see, the body is an interesting sole purpose is to improve its functioning...unfortunately, building mountains of muscle mass is not it's's only your priority! You have probably supplemented with "regular" L-Glutamine for a while...but have you heard comments from your parents, colleges, or even people in the gym telling you how great you look with all your newly added muscle?...probably not! The reason is you, as well as, many others are shoveling 10, 20 or even 40 grams of "regular" L-Glutamine before, during and even after an effort to build more muscle...only to wind up same muscle you started with...but, for what it's worth - you probably do have healthiest colon in the gym!

    Bigger Muscles...
    Or, a healthy colon? Doctors and scientists who study anabolic (synthesis of living tissues) and catabolic (destruction of living tissues) processes of the body have known the strength of Glutamine for some time. But their research is solely focused on the whole body functioning...not just on building bigger, harder muscles (...which is what you want)! While "regular" L-Glutamine has its definite benefits, it also has its definite flaws for those people such as yourself - who are using it to recover from workouts and build more defined hard muscle. Basically, "regular" L-Glutamine works...but how do we make it work better for you to build more muscle?

    In order to answer this seeming simple question, we need to know - what are exactly the pit-falls of "regular" L-Glutamine. Recent studies have concluded "regular" L-Glutamine's major problems with regards to its ability to arrive intact and in a usable form at muscle tissue are: #1. Inherently unstable L-Glutamine form quickly degrades within seconds of being mixed in water or other liquid solutions making assimilation difficult, #2. 90% of remaining "regular" L-Glutamine is rapidly absorbed solely for use by the GI track, leaving only 10% for other body processes, #3. Remaining "regular" L-Glutamine is rapidly used up in within 1 hour leaving no sustained benefit after this period of time, and finally #4. Remaining (L-Glutamine) supplies minimal to muscle amino pool leading to marginal benefit for increasing muscle mass and stimulating key "Anabolic" hormones. Like many "regular" L-Glutamine users you probably noticed that no matter which brand or how much you consumed, it still does not seem to make a bit of difference...but, now you know why! Basically every scoop you gobbled down is never seen by your muscles (...but, your intestines love you for it!) how are you to build that rock hard muscle you are training so hard for in the gym?

    You're in Luck!
    While others have been happy with so-so results from "regular" L-Glutamine...other have been working tirelessly to figure out how to make it work better, faster and more efficiently to build more muscle! Well after 5 years of pain-staking and grueling research and formulation the world's and only...muscle building Glutamine has arrived just for you! This incredible discovery provides the long awaited answers to the 4 problems which keeps "regular" L-Glutamine from working the way you want it to...thus, the result is a Glutamine which sole purpose in your body is to BUILD MUSCLE!!!!

    Presenting the miracle Muscle-Glutamine!...
    Which provides you a 4 step change the way your body processes Glutamine? into a fast and efficient muscle building chemical! Introducing T.A.G., (others wise known in the scientific community as Trans-Alanyl-Glutamine), the world's first 4 step muscle-building Glutamine! T.A.G. works by addressing the 4 problem areas which prevent "regular" L-Glutamine from living up to its potential ? and by eliminating these problems T.A.G. gives you the power to build as much rock hard muscle as you want!!!

    Here's how it works...T.A.G. works by:

    • STEP #1 Providing you a 100% stable dipeptide chemical structure which is strong enough to be mixed in water or other beverages without any degredation or loss to the chemical structure, so your body has to absorb it as is, period! ...
    • STEP #2 Enables direct assimilation (no digestion needed) into the bloodstream without having to be broken down in the stomach or GI track - thus, 100% is left intact for use by your muscles making them engorge with the fuel they need to recover & grow...
    • STEP #3 Due to T.A.G.'s unique bio-available structure, it is able to circulate throughout the body unaffected as a time release agent until every gram is infused into the muscle tissue (average time release as measured = 14 hours!)...and finally
    • STEP #4 T.A.G.'s unique dipeptide chemical structure supplies over 98.9% (as compared to "regular" L-Glutamine's 60%) of the critical amino acid pool needed by muscle cells to properly recover and rebuild larger stronger muscle fiber, thus resulting in muscles which look pumped, swollen and rock-hard!

    But that is not all, due to the targeted assimilation of T.A.G. - it also has a secondary affect on controlling Insulin response in the body to steady levels throughout the day which promotes a positive anabolic trigger and a positive nitrogen balance to open pathways for your body to build more muscle than the average person. T.A.G. give your body the necessary tools to build muscle on top of you can concentrate on training without fear of overtraining so that every day in the gym just builds more mind blowing muscle that will have you exploding out of your clothes!

    It's EASY...just follow the three "S's"...
    It's as easy as scoop, stir and simple you'll wonder why no one ever thought of it before. You'll be amazed that building Massive Mr. Olympia sized arms, Powerful Powerlifter legs and a Strongman super-sized back is as simple as drinking 1 to 3 scoops (depending on how much muscle you want to gain!) a day in water...or, in your favorite protein it has a mild sweet taste so it goes great with anything! It's that EASY!!! The best part is that T.A.G. takes less than 2 seconds to mix in any liquid, so there is zero prep-time to add it to your daily bodybuilding can easily fit anyone's hectic schedule...that means, even yours!!!

    WARNING!!! - T.A.G. is so powerful, it will start working the 1st day you use it! Your strength will skyrocket...your endurance will soar...your energy will be please don't train for endless hours thinking it will help build more muscle - after all its T.A.G. that works at building muscle...and as we all know, you build muscle when you are out of the gym by letting T.A.G. fuel your muscle tissue! It'll start with you noticing exercises which used to hard for you to do - are now a piece of cake!...then, your biggest clothes will begin to get tight!!...then finally the biggest guy in the gym will ask you if, " need a spot?" when he sees the amount weights you are throwing around the gym!!!

    Once on T.A.G., you will start to wonder why you ever wasted a penny on "regular" thinking of how you are going to recover from grueling workouts is a thing of the past...and wondering how to put on more muscle will never cross your mind again - as now you have the answer to both these questions - T.A.G.! The one and only engineered-dipeptide-Glutmaine which was developed and manufactured solely for building rock-hard muscle faster and easier than ever before.

    You have nothing to lose (...except your smaller sized clothes!)...Order Now! ...and start feeling and looking the way you always wanted to with T.A.G., the worlds "only" 100% absorbable muscle building Glutamine!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What is TAG?
    TAG, or Trans-Alanyl-Glutamine, is a physician-formulated, advanced bonded glutamine supplement.

    2. Why is TAG special?
    Considered essential in conditions of extreme physical stress, glutamine has been shown to increase stamina, strength, and recovery. However, free-form glutamine is unstable and inefficient, and largely broken down by intestinal cells before reaching deep muscle and neurological tissue. TAG's unique, cross-linked enzyme and dipeptide bonded substrate, Alanyl-Glutamine, combine to make it the most absorbable glutamine supplement. TAG has an absorption rate twenty times more efficient than free-form glutamine and has been clinically demonstrated to increase deep tissue cellular utilization by 65% for greatest benefit.

    3. For what sports will TAG enhance performance?
    TAG can enhance the performance potential of virtually any athlete. Benefits include increased power and endurance as well as improved recovery from rigorous practice and training regimens.

    4. Is TAG safe to take with perscription medication?
    If using prescription medication and/or certain over-the-counter products, consult your private healthcare provider prior to administration of any dietary supplement.

    Athletic Performance Solutions
    Metabolic Nutrition's athletic performance solutions will help your body perform at its best. Prevent muscle fatigue and increase your strength and stamina. Looking for a high-protein meal replacement? Try Advantage.

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Google Description:
Targeted muscle recovery. Pharmaceutical grade. Superior to free form l-glutamine. Dramatically increases muscle repair. Inhibits muscle fatigue and soreness.
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Nutrition Facts:
Metabolic Nutrition T.A.G. Trans Alanyl Glutamine Pharmaceutical Grade Unflavored Targeted Muscle Recovery - 800 Grams
Supplement Facts
1 Scoop
Short Name:
Unflavored 800 Grams
Pure Or Blend:
Discontinued Item:
2 lbs