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MAN Orotine 272 Capsules

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MAN Sports Nutrition Orotine 272 Capsules

OROTINE is The KING of Creatines! Creatine Monohydrate has been pumped out by countless supplement companies for decades. Why? Because it's easy to use a popular form of creatine that is CHEAP to produce. Put a nice marketing spin on it and you can now charge a premium. That's where we draw the line. We took the time to do our research and launch something MUCH different. No bogus schemes of loading, bloating you up with sugary carbs or ph buffering. Orotine or Creatine Orotate is the only form of creatine proven to bolster beta-alanine production in the body thus leading to increases in power, strength, endurance and overall muscle building.*

Is Your Creatine Holding You Back?

For years now, many of you have been told that creatine monohydrate—simple, cheap, plain, old-fashioned creatine monohydrate—is the most effective form of creatine.

Others may have heard “advanced” forms were the way to go. Micro-dosing protocols. Buffered. No loading. No bloating... And no results.

Either way...You’ve been lied to.

Here’s the thing: creatine monohydrate costs pennies to manufacture. And worse, companies that tout its effectiveness might as well admit that they can’t innovate—creatine monohydrate has been commercially available since 1993!

But when faced with steep research and development costs and consistent pressure to make money in a competitive industry, many companies took the easy way out and concocted one of the industry’s biggest, most pervasive scams: “advanced” creatines.

I’m not going to name names... but you’ve seen them before. And in many ways, they all look the same:
1) They have a smaller serving size, dosage, and/or bottle.
2) They cost more money.

Sound familiar?

Put another way, you’re getting far less creatine yet paying more for it.

Look, I don’t care how pH-balanced, buffered, micro-dosed, bloat-free, or water-soluble your creatine is... if you’re not taking enough of it, it won’t work.

Meanwhile, these companies are laughing all the way to the bank selling their underdosed powder—“We got them to take less,” they scoff, “and pay more!”

But what if there was another option—an option previously unavailable to you? A form of creatine so unusual, its use was previously limited to medical fields where it’s used by doctors to revitalize transplanted heart tissue?

It turns out there is... and it’s found deep within the Kingdom of MAN.

MAN Sports Orotine™

Here at MAN Sports, we care about two things: products that work and our customers’ results.

As mentioned above, supplement-industry research and development costs are enormous. Despite what most companies would have you believe, they don’t have a team of biochemists working round-the-clock—more like a team of marketers!

We’re a humble company from Texas… and we don’t want to lie to you. So instead of pretending that we’re Johnson & Johnson, we turned to where the biochemists actually work—and where most actual breakthroughs occur: the medical field.

Transplanting heart tissue is difficult—extremely difficult. Once outside of the body and deprived of vital nutrients, the heart languishes and dies. Freezing, it doesn’t work. Suspending it in a liquid solution that contains (among other things) creatine monohydrate works only nominally well. Other attempts outright failed and the hearts expired. Researchers were stymied and further progress was written off for years… until cardiologists found the right liquid solution—a solution containing a little-known type of creatine called tri-creatine orotate.

I’d like to introduce it to you as Orotine™.
And it’s no-BS, Texas-style damn effective.

Orotine is the only form of creatine proven to bolster beta-alanine production (which is the rate-limiting amino acid precursor to intramuscular carnosine levels).* You can’t simply take carnosine—it doesn’t absorb—so beta-alanine is the most effective way to raise carnosine levels in muscle tissue. You want your creatine to increase carnosine.

Most creatines only increase alactic power—the first few explosive efforts before the drop in blood pH and the onset of lactic acid. This moment is known as the anaerobic threshold, and if you’ve ever run a 400m dash or done high-rep squats, you know it well: It’s when your legs feel like rubber and your thighs get heavy and your vision starts to swim—but it’s when the winners outpace everyone else… and it’s also when carnosine kicks in. Carnosine delays the onset of anaerobic threshold so you can do work when it matters most—when fatigue kicks in.

Remember: Only Orotine hits twice—once in the beginning and again at the end.

Orotine enhances available ATP pools more than creatine alone. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is cellular energy currency—your cells “spend” it to produce usable energy for the body. After it’s used, your cells recycle it back into ATP; this process occurs constantly. You can think of this literally like currency—you get paid, and then you spend your money. Constant ebb and flow.

And Orotine makes it doubly efficient: Orotine increases the amount of ATP available while saving your body from spending ATP frivolously—so more ATP can be spent on high-yield activities like muscular contraction.*

This is the equivalent of both getting a raise and slashing your bills. At the same time and then re-investing the surplus in a high-yield investment vehicle.

That’s essentially what Orotine does. You will have more spendable energy—energy “on-demand”—for your toughest workouts.


There’s enough supplement nonsense out there—we get it. It infuriates us too.

Your hard-earned dollars shouldn’t be plied from your wallet chasing exotic herbs, empty proteins, and obscure amino acids. We don’t dabble in any of that.

Our proposal is simple: Creatine. Advanced creatine that is actually advanced—as evidenced by the American Heart Association study. Creatine that has nothing to hide. 3,000 milligrams per serving. Creatine that flat-out works. Creatine you can count on—just like transplanted hearts do. Creatine that’s more than creatine… Orotine.

When it comes to advanced diet and supplementation and training, certain concepts are very complex. There’s a lot that you can get wrong, there’s a lot that’s tricky, and there’s a lot that varies from person to person…

Creatine’s not like that—there’s a clear-cut winner. Don’t let your creatine hold you back.

Welcome to Orotine™ — The KING of CREATINES™ And welcome to the KINGDOM of MAN.

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MAN Orotine or Creatine Orotate is the only form of creatine proven to bolster beta-alanine production in the body. t
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