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A Zero Carb Protein excludes dietary consumption of all carbohydrates and suggests fat as the main source of energy with sufficient protein. A no-carbohydrate diet is ketogenic, which means it causes the body to go into a state of ketosis, converting dietary fat and body fat into ketone bodies and using them to fuel the entire body and up to 95% of the brain. The remaining 5% still runs on glucose which is adequately supplied by converting dietary protein via gluconeogenesis or by converting glycerol from the breakdown of fat. It uses mainly animal source foods and requires a high saturated fat intake.
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  • Nature's Best Isopure (Zero Carb/Low Carb/Natural)

    Nature's Best Isopure (Zero Carb/Low Carb/Natural)

    ISOPURE Zero Carb We've had the pleasure of selling and recommending Isopure Zero Carb since it's inception. Way before we were a website we were a retail store, catering to health enthusiast, bodybuilders, and athletes of all types. It was here...

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